Basic Query

A basic query requires three inputs:

  • key Your private developer API key.
  • starttime The start time for queried events.
  • endtime The end time for queried events.


  • All timestamps in the platform are returned in UNIX time format.
  • It is recomended that you use your own ‘start of day’ and ‘end of day’ times when querying the API
  • API returns content in JSON format

Sample Query


Make sure to use actual values for <apikey>, <starttime>, and <endtime>:
curl "\


JSON result:
         "merchant":{"id":4000002,"name":"API Test Merchant"},
         "salesClerk":{"id":4000003,"name":"Demo Clerk1"},
         "customer":{"id":4000005,"name":"API User","phoneNumber":"14084930580"},
           "family":{"id":3,"name":"Galaxy S6"},
           "model":{"id":3,"makeModel":"SAMSUNG SM-G920P",
             "name":"Samsung Galaxy S6 (Boost\/Sprint)"}
         "merchant":{"id":4000002,"name":"API Test Merchant"},
         "salesClerk":{"id":4000003,"name":"Demo Clerk1"},
         "customer":{"id":4000005,"name":"API User","phoneNumber":"14084930580"}